Tri-Element National Scholarship for Cadet Leadership in Music
To promote music leadership in and outside the Cadet Program, the Cadet Leagues of Canada have established a National Scholarship for Cadet Leadership in Music. $1,000 will be awarded annually to a cadet from any element who:
- Is an active cadet of any element as of 15 March of the application year.
- Has been in the Cadet Program for a minimum of 3 years.
- Has demonstrated exceptional leadership and entrepreneurship (taking initiative on projects that are largely self directed) in a music-based endeavor (whether cadet related or not).
- Is pursuing a music or music-adjacent career path in post-secondary education. (i.e. Music |Education, recording/sound engineer) in the next academic year (the recipient may request to defer the scholarship for a maximum of one year)
- Has a desire for continued involvement in building cadet music with the Canadian Cadet Organizations.
- Has the recommendation of their Commanding Officer and Corps/SSC Chair.
Application process should include, and will be graded on:
1. Completion of the ACC52 application form available on the Air Cadet League of Canada website ( )
2. Narrative essay detailing your leadership in music project.
o Help the jury understand what the project is, what your role was, and why you thought the project was successful. Feel free to provide any pertinent documentation or support material (press clippings, links to videos, photos, etc.) that will help the review committee understand what your project is.
o State your reason for studying in a music related field and how a scholarship can help you out.
3. A cover letter detailing:
o your post-secondary plans,
o your music experience both inside and outside the Cadet Program,
o aspirations in a music related occupation.
4. Letters of Recommendation
o One from Commanding Officer,
o One from someone familiar with your musical leadership skills.
o Any other recommendations you feel may be pertinent to the review committee.
Present to the review committee your potential to do amazing things. Stand out. Be honest. Concentrate on your achievements, your ambitions, and interests. Share how they relate to the scholarship for which you are applying. Give the review committee reasons why you think you are deserving of the scholarship.
The application period will run from 15 March to 15 April. Applications are only made online via the Air Cadet League of Canada website. Form and documents are due no later than 15 April 23:59 Eastern time. The final determination is to be made on or before May 15.
Review Process:
The Air Cadet League of Canada is administering this application and process on behalf of the 3 Leagues.
The review committee, based on applications received, will interview only the top candidates via Zoom call at a mutually agreed upon time.
Review committee to consist of a maximum of five members:
- 1 member from one of the Cadet Leagues;
- 1 member representing CJCR Gp; and
- 3 community members, preferably successful alum of the Cadet Music Program and/or prominent members of the Canadian music industry
The Review Committee will provide their recommendations to the Cadet Leagues by the 15th of May, including the name of the award recipient. The decision of the review committee is considered FINAL. Attempts will be made by the sponsor to find a music industry mentor for the recipient, preferably an alum of the Cadet Program.
Following the announcement, the winner will be asked to provide a photograph or digital image (in uniform) for publicity.
Recipients of the Cadet Leadership in Music Award will be presented with a certificate at an appropriate time determined by the Provincial / Territorial Cadet League and the Corps/Squadron Commanding Officer. Award funds will be sent upon confirmation by the post secondary institution of enrollment in a valid music related programme.