Without members and volunteers many activities in a Squadron would not take place. Members and Volunteers give their time in a variety of ways, for example: running the canteen, driving Cadets to and from events, publishing a newsletter, coordinating a mess dinner, helping with special events, assisting with summer course selections and promotion interviews, being a band master, a Web Master, a photographer or a media relations representative for the Squadron and so on.
The Air Cadet League of Canada welcomes a large number of volunteers at the Squadron level and in the Air Cadet Program as a whole. The Air Cadet League of Canada and its partner, The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) jointly support the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, a premier youth organization. The Air Cadet program is a comprehensive program, which is run in a structured, disciplined and safe manner. In this context, it is important to ensure all volunteers are appropriately selected, initially supervised, well- intended, offer skills which add value and complement the program, and are good role models for Air Cadets. Knowing the volunteers, their skills and talents, and their intended contribution is very important to the Squadron Officers, staff and Sponsoring Committee.
In order to be properly acquainted with League volunteers and other volunteers, certain information is required. You are asked to complete the Volunteer Registration package. An interview with a League representative will be required after receipt of the completed form and a Police Records Check and Vulnerable Sector Screening (PRC/VSS). For positions of trust (such as Treasurer and Fund Raising), a Credit Check may be required. A volunteer’s Registration/Screening is valid for five years as long as the volunteer remains in good standing. By applying and being approved, the Volunteer undertakes an obligation to report any subsequent change to his/her situation/circumstances that is of a nature to reasonably and usually require a re-evaluation and re-screening (example, a new criminal offence).
We thank you for your generous offer of volunteer services and hope you understand the legal and moral obligation of the League in reviewing the suitability of all individuals working or involved with youth.
Please visit our Contact Us section for more information about how to contact someone at your local and or provincial level to enquire further about volunteering with a squadron at the local level. Visit the Organization section of the website for more information about the League’s structure and the different types of members within the League.
Click on the link below to locate information on the Canadian Cadet Organizations Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.