The League is governed by a Board of Governors comprising fifteen Canadian Citizens, representing all provinces and territories. The Board meets annually, chooses a President, Vice-Presidents, Executive Committee, National Honours and Awards Committee, National Fund Raising Committee, National Finance Committee, National Aviation Committee, Policies and Procedures Committee, National Effective Speaking Committee and National Selections Committee. There is also an Advisory Council made up of the Past-Presidents of the League. The Board maintains a full-time administrative headquarters in Ottawa under the supervision of the Executive Director. This office works closely with NDHQ and provides year-round supervision and administration of the Air Cadet League and its numerous activities.
Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, C.C., C.M.M., C.O.M., O.Q., C.D.
Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada
Honourary Officers
Honorary President:
Honorary Treasurer: Bob Robert CD
Honorary Secretary: Leonard G. Jenks CD
Honorary Solicitor: C. Mervin Ozirny CD
Honourary Life Members
Jerry Elias, CD
Russell Gallant CD
Richard Logan
Robert L. Mortimer CD
Maurice J. Murphy
Honourary Directors
Brigadier-General (Ret) William Buckham CD
Lieutenant-General (Ret) Fred Sutherland CMM, CD, BA, MBA, DScMil
Executive Committee
President: Marc Lacroix CD
Past President: Thomas Taborowski
First Vice-President: Jacqueline Pepper-Journal CD
Vice-President: Sue Madden, CPA, CGA
Vice-President: Doug Slowski CD
Vice-President: Thomas Sand CD
Board of Governors
Executive Committee Plus:
William Cahill
Dee Davis
Margaret Elson
Terri Hinton
Angèle Mullins
John Nolan CD
Kevin Robinson
Arlo Speer
Vern Toews
Associates at Large
André Guilbault
Duane Schippers
James Simiana CD
Advisory Council
Thomas Taborowski | 2023-2024 |
Hille Viita CD | 2021-2023 |
James Hunter CD | 2019-2021 |
C. Mervin Ozirny CD | 2018-2019 |
Donald A. Berrill CD | 2016-2018 |
Donald W. Doern CD | 2015-2016 |
Keith Mann | 2014-2015 |
Thomas White CD | 2013-2014 |
Bob Robert CD | 2011-2012 |
Jan Reidulff CD | 2008-2009 |
Craig Hawkins CD | 2006-2007 |
Guy Albert CD | 2004-2005 |
Brent Wolfe | 2003-2004 |
Gilles Cuerrier CD | 2001-2002 |
Ron Ilko | 2000-2001 |
Leonard G. Jenks CD | 1999-2000 |
Fred Hopkinson CD | 1996-1997 |
J. R. Bob Goudie CD | 1995-1996 |
David Hayden CD | 1990-1991 |
Robert Parsons | 1986-1987 |
Charles Baxter | 1975-1976 |
There are eleven Provincial Committees, one for each province and one for the Northern Territories. The membership comprises all local Sponsoring Committee Chairmen, plus such other persons as may be elected. Provision is made for prominent and influential citizens to associate themselves with the Provincial Committees as members of Advisory Councils. Provincial Committees meet annually, elect a Provincial Chairman, Vice-President and other officers and, in some cases, employ full-time secretaries or managers. In a number of provinces there are also Regional Committees which come under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Committee. Provincial Committees supervise the activities of all Air Cadet units in their respective areas and are financed by means of public subscription and the support of their member squadrons.
Newfoundland & Labrador
Jackie Smith
Prince Edward Island
Kendra Mellish CD
Nova Scotia
David Wilson
New Brunswick
Chuck Nicolle
Quebec & Ottawa Valley
Marie Christine Lalonde
Nishika Jardine
Dale Crouch
Curtis Bousfield
Peter Davis
British Columbia
Glen Watson CD
Pan Territorial
Rona Fradsham
Click on the link below to locate information on the Canadian Cadet Organizations Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.