Pins and Medals

Air Cadet & Volunteer Service Medals / SQUADRON BANNERS & CEREMONIAL SASH

Nathalie Joanisse and Marlene Schmidle, from the former companies of Joe Drouin Enterprises Ltd and Denis Ringuette Enterprises Inc., have continued the proud tradition of providing Air Cadet & Volunteer Service Medals, bars and rosettes as well as Squadron Banners and Ceremonial Sashes/Baldrics to the Air Cadet community.  Their experience spans 29 years in the medal making business and they have proudly served the Air Cadet League and the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for over 15 of those years.

Provincial and Territorial Committees, who are in need of Air Cadet Service and Volunteer Service Medals, are encouraged to contact Nathalie and Marlene at or for the medal order form.  Squadrons who are interested in the ceremonial Squadrons Banners and Sashes/Baldrics are welcome to contact the same email addresses.


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