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The Air Cadet League of Canada and its Generous Donors are pleased to offer Flying Training Awards to deserving cadets. The list of donors is available on the National Air Cadet League Web Site under Donate Now/ Sponsors and Donors.
Continuation Flying Training Award (CFTA)
The purpose of the Continuation Flying Training Awards offered is to provide cadets who have successfully completed the Power Pilot Training Course the opportunity to continue to accumulate flight time. The awards range from $1,000 to $2,500 each.
In any given calendar year, a cadet will be limited to one monetary ACL award (CFTA) or Post-Secondary Scholarship. A CFTA, if not started, may be transferred to an educational scholarship on request of the cadet and approval by the Donor and National Scholarship and Awards Committee.
Pilot Training Achievement Award (PTAA)
The purpose of the Pilot Training Achievement Awards is to provide funding for use in continuing a cadet’s flying or gliding training. The awards average $300 in value.
Awards for both the CFTA and PTAA will be given to the highest achievers on Transport Canada assessments combined with High School marks, community, service, and performance as an Air Cadet. Power Pilot Training Course graduates applying will qualify for both the CFTA and the PTAA. The Glider Pilot Training Course graduates applying will qualify for the PTAA only.
Cadets must meet all the following conditions of eligibility:
Must complete the Flying Training Awards Application Form ACC68
Must include statement of approximately 300 words outlining your career goals and aspirations.
Must have successfully completed the Power Pilot Training Course in the year of application for the CFTA; or
Must have successfully completed the Power Pilot or Glider Training Course in the year of application for the PTAA;
Must hold a current Transport Canada Private Pilot or Glider Pilot Licence;
Must be recommended by their Squadron Commanding Officer (CO) and Squadron Sponsoring Committee (SSC) Chair.
Must be a cadet on September 30th during the year of application.
Applications and supporting documents for all Flying Training Awards must be received no later than September 30th. Once the cadet submits the application form, the CO will receive a unique link by email to confirm / complete information. When this part is completed by the CO, the SSC Chair will receive a unique link. Upon receipt of the SSC recommendation, the process is complete.
The National Air Cadet Scholarships and Awards Committee will consider all eligible candidates. The Chairperson of the Committee will announce the names of the award recipients at the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Air Cadet League in the fall. Decisions of the committee will be considered final.
Following the announcement, the recipient will be requested to provide a photograph or digital image (in uniform) for purposes of publicity.
Continuation Flying Awards winners will be presented with a certificate at an appropriate time determined by the Chair of the Provincial / Territorial Air Cadet League and the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair. Funds for the Continuation Flying Awards will be distributed, in the cadet’s name, to the flight school where the cadet will complete their flying time.
Pilot Training Achievement Awards winners will be presented with a certificate at an appropriate time determined by the Chair of the Provincial / Territorial Air Cadet League and the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair. Award funds will be sent electronically to the winner.
Click on the link below to locate information on the Canadian Cadet Organizations Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.