Introduction to the Effective Speaking Program


  • To provide an opportunity for Air Cadets to increase their self confidence; and increase their ability to reason, organize and express ideas;
  • To promote the citizenship component of local squadron training;
  • To provide a focus at the Local, Regional/Wing, Provincial/Territorial, and National levels, to promote and encourage Air Cadets to participate in an optional activity that will provide them with an opportunity to acquire effective speaking skills through instruction and practice in a structured and competitive environment;
  • To increase public awareness regarding the citizenship and leadership aspects of the Air Cadet program at the national, provincial and local levels.


In the Air Cadet program, we use words such as leadership, teamwork, self-discipline, self-confidence, good citizenship. Cadets who participate in the effective speaking program will learn all of these things. The skills they learn here will help them immeasurably in other areas of their life as well, whether they are making class presentations in secondary school, or later, interviewing for admission to professional faculties at universities, making presentations to colleagues at work, leading volunteer organizations, running for public office.

While most of this handbook focuses on the organization and rules of competition, because it is necessary for competitions to be run smoothly and fairly, it is also important to present a program at the squadron level that accomplishes the aims of the program and also prepares the Cadets for the competitions.


In addition to this handbook, some resources are:

Human Resources

  1. Resources at Squadron level

(a)        Parents in your Squadron who have experience in public speaking (for example, through their jobs, or being members of Toastmasters, etc.).

(b)        Consider providing a joint program with neighbouring Squadrons.

(c)        Create an effective speaking committee – the more helpers, the lighter the workload.

  1. Resources within the Community

(a)        Friends or relatives of the parents in your Squadron who have experience in public speaking and might be willing to help.

(b)        Other members of your community who might be willing to help – preachers, priests and ministers; school teachers and principals or college professors; lawyers and judges; mayor,     city councillors, MLA or other politicians; tv or radio personalities; etc.

(c)        Local Toastmasters Club.

  1. Resources at Wing/Regional or Provincial Level

(a)        League Rep may have suggestions

(b)        Where available, Provincial ES coordinator

On-line resources

(a)        National Air Cadet League website.

(b)        Provincial Committee website.

(c)        TED talks.

(d)        Google or other search engine – will get you to numerous sites with helpful hints for prepared or impromptu speeches.

Find A Squadron

Click on the link below to locate information on the Canadian Cadet Organizations Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.