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Post-Secondary Education Scholarships are provided by donors and administered by the Air Cadet League National Air Cadet Scholarships and Awards (NACSAC) Committee. All eligible candidates will be considered.
The Air Cadet League of Canada wishes to express its thanks to the many donors that make these awards possible. The list of donors is available on the National Air Cadet League Web Site under Donate Now/Sponsors and Donors
Scholarships are open to students who are entering or pursuing their post-secondary education, and who are members of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets on April 1st.
Applicants must be graduating from the secondary school system (or equivalent), or already be registered at a university, college, CEGEP, technical institute or vocational program, of any Province or Territory, in the training year of application, and who are entering directly or continuing into a full program of studies at a fully-accredited post-secondary education facility (university, college, CEGEP, technical institute or vocational program), where the program undertaken leads to a degree, diploma, or professional or technical qualification.
Scholarships are also open to past cadets entering their first year in post-secondary education who aged out of cadets because they reached 19 between April 2nd of the previous year and April 1st of the current year.
Scholarships are awarded based on scholastic achievement, combined with outstanding performance as an Air Cadet, community involvement, and donor’s requirements.
The educational portion of the evaluation will be based on High School or Secondary V latest marks even if you are already at your first or second year of post-secondary education. A copy of the most recently available Transcript of Marks from either the High School, or from the Ministry of Education (For Quebec Cadets - Secondary 5 Transcript) is required. Core subjects (Languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science) areas must be included on the transcript.
Some scholarships are offered to all cadets while some are restricted to cadets that will be studying in a specific field (e.g. Engineering, Science, Vocational, Aviation, Aerospace, and others). Other scholarships are offered to cadets who meet other requirements, as stipulated by the donors.
The National Air Cadet Scholarship and Awards Committee (NACSAC) will consider all eligible candidates. The decisions of the committee will be considered final. Payment to the Education Institution towards tuition will be sent as soon as all requirements have been satisfied.
The Chairperson of the Committee will announce the names of the recipients at either our Virtual National Scholarships & Awards Ceremony or at the Annual General Meeting of the Air Cadet League of Canada.
Following selection, the recipient may be requested to provide a photograph or digital image (in uniform) for publicity purposes.
The NACSAC reserves the right to withhold the award of any of the scholarships where the academic standing of candidates is not sufficiently high or in the case of a program of study change where program was a requirement for the award.
Cadets will receive a T4A income tax form.
Only one National ACL Flying monetary Award or educational scholarship will be granted to a cadet in any given training year.
Application form ACC64 and supporting documents for all National Education Scholarships must be received, no later than April 1st at the National Office of the Air Cadet League of Canada.
Include a statement of approximately 300 words outlining your career goals and aspirations. Explain why you wish to attend the institution you have chosen, and what benefits you will gain from post-secondary education.
Once the cadet submits the application form, the CO will receive a unique link by email to confirm / complete the information and provide a letter of reference. When this part is completed by the CO, the SSC Chair will also receive a unique link. Upon receipt of the SSC Chair's recommendation and recommendation letter, the process is complete. A confirmation email will be sent to the cadet, the CO, and SSC Chair.
A letter of recommendation from your Squadron’s Commanding Officer is required. A copy of the application in pdf format will automatically be sent to the Squadron Commander once the cadet has submitted it. We are asking the Commanding Officer to write a letter of recommendation including a statement to confirm that the cadet’s information is accurate. This letter must be uploaded while reviewing the application. The letter should be named according to the candidate's name as follows:
LastName_FirstName_CO_Recommendation and Confirmation Letter_NationalPost- Secondary Scholarships_Year.
A letter of support from the Chairperson of the Squadron' Sponsoring Committee is required. A copy of the application in pdf format will automatically be sent to the Squadron’s Sponsoring Committee Chair once the CO has submitted it. We are asking the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chair to write a letter of recommendation. This letter must be uploaded while reviewing the application. The letter should be named according to the candidate's name as follows:
LastName_FirstName_SSC_Recommendation and Confirmation Letter_NationalPost- SecondaryScholarships_Year.
Any other recommendations will be considered. i.e. school principal, department head, or counselor;
A scholarship will not be awarded until that such confirmation of proof of acceptance and registration at the selected post-secondary education facility has been received. In this regard, it should be noted that such proof is not required at the time of application, but that it will be required from the selected recipients as soon as possible after that determination has been made;
There are in the market place many companies, foundations, institutions that offer post-secondary scholarships. We encourage you to apply to those scholarships in addition to the ones offered by The Air Cadet League of Canada. The best way to get information concerning scholarships is by doing a Google search and contacting your school career counselor.
If you have any questions, please contact the Air cadet league of Canada by email at:
Air Cadet League of Canada 2024 National Education Scholarships Application
All applications and supporting documents, must be received no later than April 1st 2025
I will receive a T4A next February.
Please note that the Save and Continue Later option DOES NOT SAVE uploaded documents. You will need to UPLOAD them AGAIN when you access the form to complete it.
Click on the link below to locate information on the Canadian Cadet Organizations Cadet Corps and Squadron Directory.