Open to all cadets who have not aged out up to and including the day of the National Competition PLEASE INDICATE TOPIC FOR PREPARED SPEECH

(Official Prepared Speech Topics are available from the National Website and from the Effective Speaking Coordinator)

                                          Note: Cadet may not compete at any level of the competitions until all signatures are received.

Cadet's Name(Required)
Please select your topic.
I will deliver my speech in:(Required)
Cadet's Email(Required)
Chosen language must be the same for all levels of the competition. If a cadet chooses to compete in both bilingual languages, it should be close to 50% for each language. Speech should be a continuation from one language to the other, not a repetition. No additional point will be given for bilingual speech rather than an English or French presentation.

DECLARATION BY CADET I wish to enter the Air Cadet League of Canada Effective Speaking Competition. I will study the rules of the competition and shall be bound by all of the requirements of such rules. I will not use any form of electronic device to assist me during the competition, with the exception of the computer or phone that I am using exclusively for video/voice communication tool.”  for virtual competitions. I agree to accept the decision of the judges at each level of competition as final.

Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.

PARENTAL /GUARDIAN APPROVAL  I hereby give approval for my child/ward to participate in the Air Cadet League of Canada Effective Speaking Competition for Royal Canadian Air Cadets and agree to accept the decision of the Judges at each level of competition as final.

Name of Parent /Guardian(Required)
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Commanding Officer's Email(Required)

** NOTE ** COMPETITION AT THE PROVINCIAL/TERRITORIAL LEVEL MUST BE COMPLETED BY April 30th , 2025 All contestants must compete at every level in Air Cadet Uniform – C-1 Ceremonial Dress – web belts, lanyards, and spats are not permitted. CADET FORM MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE FIRST LEVEL OF COMPETITION. Open to all cadets who have not aged prior to the date of the National Competition.

Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism will not be permitted and may result in disqualification. Definition: The practice of taking of someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Another person's words/phrases may be used providing that they are given credit for their words or phrases.
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Cadet's Consent
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Cadet's and Parent's / Guardian's Consent
Clear Signature
Please sign with your mouse.
Parent or Guardian's Email(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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